Where is Nigeria on map? Street Map of Nigeria

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What is the latitude and longitude and where is Nigeria on street map? Answered.
Latitude: NORTH 9° 4' 26.84" (display in decimal number system 9.0741223)
Longitude: EAST 7° 24' 53.76" (display in decimal number system 7.4149333)
The highest peak altitude: Chappal Waddi, 2419 meters
Number of residents (population): over 206 M people
Tourism in Nigeria centers largely on events, due to the countrys ample amount of ethnic groups, but also includes rain forests, savannah, waterfalls, and other natural attractions. Lekki Beach in Lagos Abuja is home to several parks and green areas. The largest, Millennium Park, was designed by architect Manfredi Nicoletti and officially opened in December 2003.
Area of ​​national territory in square kilometers: 923769 km2
Capital city: Abuja
Time zone: UTC/GMT +01:00, West Africa Standard Time, Time zone in Nigeria (GMT+1)

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