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What it is BCU, Bauchi, Baucis, Bauczi, Baučis, Yakoba, Yakubu, bao qi, Баучи, 包奇?
Bauchi is seat of a first-order administrative division (city, village), seat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA)
Nearest locations (distances from Bauchi):
Airport: Bauchi Airport (3.463 m)
Hill: Idi Hill (3.686 m)
Populated place: Dumi (4.067 m)
Third-order administrative division: Tirwun (34.544 m)
Stream: Kamel (39.182 m)
Seat of a second-order administrative division: Kafin Madaki (43.033 m)
Hills: Bulyital Hills (50.637 m)
Peak: Ziem Peak (71.160 m)
Mountain: Dutsen Wairai (96.465 m)
Mountains: Shere Hills (97.527 m)
What is the latitude and longitude and where is Bauchi? Answered.
Latitude: NORTH 10° 18' 37.15" (display in decimal number system 10.3103200)
Longitude: EAST 9° 50' 37.97" (display in decimal number system 9.8438800)
Above sea level (elevation):
0 meters
Number of residents (population): 316149
Terrain model:
Time zone: Africa/Lagos
International names: Bauchi
Post number:
Country: Nigeria
Names that can be found on the Internet:
Bauchi [ German, English, French, ]
Baučis [ Lithuanian, ]
Bauczi [ Polish, ]
BCU [ Polish, ]
Yakoba [ ]
Yakubu [ ]
Баучи [ Russian, ]
包奇 [ Chinese, ]
Additional description and information can be found at the link:
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